2024 LSLAP Manual [48th Ed.]
Every year, law students and volunteer lawyers put in thousands of hours to edit and update this public resource. The LSLAP Manual is a wide-ranging guide to law and legal services in British Columbia. It is made available for free in virtual copy and is sold on an annual basis to libraries, institutions, and practitioners. If you find this manual useful and would like to support our efforts to deliver free legal services in the lower Mainland, consider purchasing a physical copy or making a small donation. Donations over $10 will be issued a tax receipt. The 48th Edition of the LSLAP Manual is now complete. Physical copies of the Manual will be available for pick-up or shipping in late-August. Please use the button below to access the order form, and contact [email protected] if you have any questions. |
Introduction and
Acknowledgements |
Chapter 1:
Criminal Law |
Chapter 2:
Youth Justice |
Chapter 3:
Family Law |
Chapter 4:
Victims |
Chapter 5:
Public Complaints Procedures |
Chapter 6:
Human Rights |
Chapter 7:
Workers' Compensation |
Chapter 8:
Employment Insurance |
Chapter 9:
Employment Law |
Chapter 10:
Creditors' Remedies and Debtors' Assistance |
Chapter 11:
Consumer Protection |
Chapter 12:
Automobile Insurance (ICBC) |
Chapter 13:
Motor Vehicle Law |
Chapter 14:
Mental Health Law |
Chapter 15:
Adult Guardianship and Substitute Decision-Making |
Chapter 16:
Wills and Estate Administration |
Chapter 17:
Citizenship |
Chapter 18:
Immigration Law |
Chapter 19:
Landlord and Tenant Law |
Chapter 20:
Small Claims and the CRT |
Chapter 21:
Welfare (Income Assistance) Law |
Chapter 22:
Strata Law |
Chapter 23:
Referrals |